Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th...Sunday

No riding today. All is ok though can't quite put my finger on why my heart...pulse...keeps acting goofy.
Tachycardia? Pulse is all over the place and frequently speeds itself up enough...120ish...while sitting still that it gets my attention. I've had this type of thing before and they did the whole nine yards of testing...treadmill, echocardiogram, etc. They could never find a cause. Is probably anxiety.


  1. John,

    any possibility your electrolytes are out of whack? It wouldn't surprise me given your long ride. Mine often get low (thanks to a crappy diet) and a fix I've been using lately is slicing potatoes and baking them in the microwave in olive oil with salt. I eat about ten potatoes and it works like magic. I feel like a million bucks afterwards.


    1. Good point, Randy. I've felt like crap today and my wife and I had a serious talk about my low energy levell and how I could possibly race the TA given current state. Good advice on electrolytes! Wouldn't surprise me. For now, am going to go gorge on some really salty chips. Thanks my friend

    2. Be extra wary of potassium levels as it strongly affects heart-rate. I've had problems in that area when I've kept my weight low. Again, my low potassium levels were due to poor food selection (not enough fruit and vegetables) while on restricted calories. My point is, I recommend whole potatoes, or any other high-potsssium food, versus potato chips as the ratio of potassium to sodium is much better. I've recently been going through bouts of racing heart and as I said, the potatoes fixed it right up. The potassium content of my diet was much too low (about one-third of the RDA).
