Monday, March 3, 2014

March 2nd & 3rd...Sunday and Monday

Decided I needed a rest in spite of the great breakfast I had Sunday morning.
Feel my body needs a break from training short it may be. Right now my right foot, toes to be exact, ache and burn. I went to the foot doctor in October for this issue and might need to return. It's cause was a racquet ball injury in September .
Also, I feel stale. Will return with vigor for Tuesdays interval workout.

In the meantime, here's a little something to feast yours eyes on. It's a Milan SL velomobile.'s fast!


  1. Hi John,

    just an observation. You seem to be doing a lot of excessively high-wattage training, especially for so early in the season and the fact that you are training for an ultra-endurance event. To be honest, I was surprised to hear that you hired a coach. You have a lot of experience and should be the one giving advice. Nobody knows your own body like you do and I think you'd be best served if you let it guide you in your training (which you are now doing to a degree) instead of being forced by somebody else's preconceived plan.


    1. Randy...always good to hear from you. I'll send you a quick email on BROL
