Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week of March 3rd

I feel the past four weeks have taken a toll on my body and, even though next week is a scheduled "recovery week", I need to listen to my body and take heed to how I feel. Tonight...not very good. Right foot pain, a deep weariness, and feel on the verge of coming down with something. So, contrary to my workout schedule...high intensity work three days this week, I'm backing way off.

As a side note, I start PT on my shoulder tomorrow morning. And as trivial as it might sound to an outsider, I've been dealing with our dog Pookie in what I would describe as the last month of his life. He's been my best bud for the past 13 years.

One reason I had shoulder surgery, other than my September return
to racquet ball, was fighting 300-500 lb. slabs of oak and 
lining them up with the hydraulic splitter. Sometimes
the oak won 

Here's my best bud...Pookie...taken this past year
when he was feeling his old self.


  1. John, keep up the positive attitude and take care of your body.


    1. Will do, Greg. It feels good to slow it down this one week.
      Btw...I'll see you at the velomobile rally at the end of the month. Take care yourself ;)
