Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 25th...Tuesday...intervals

Monday was a rest day

This workout(Tuesday) was supposed to be a tough workout where I really push myself. For the sake of brevity, I just didn't have it tonight. Not physically, not mentally, to push myself. In fact, I had a hard time convincing myself to ride tonight. Period. If it wasn't for my accountability to my blog, I would've shined it on and skipped it. Needless to say, I rode the complete workout. 6X5min@Threshold with warm-up/cool down but took everything down a notch or two. Rather than ride at or above my max recommend wattage, I rode at the minimum. Like i said...some days I've got it...some days I don't.

20min.@175W average warm up

6X5min. intervals w/1min. rest in between.
Wattage varied from 245-300W but was closer to a 255W average.
During 5th interval I threw in 15secs of 800+W just to keep the blood moving

20 min. @150W average for cool down

Calories: 1142
Distance: 27.28 miles
Total time:~ 1:06:00

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23rd...Sunday

20 min @175W average
w/ramping from 150-205 W

20 min @ 250W w/last 7min north of 275W
HR: 150-100-90 after two min

20min. @175W average
HR: 100-63 after 3min

Total workload:
852 calories
Distance: 20.78 miles
Time: 1:00:00

February 22nd...Saturday...1000 calories/hour

15 min warm-up:
Distance: 4.89 mils
HR at end: 110 at 200 watts
Est. Avg. wattage: 175

I'm not a calorie counter or even that conscious about what I eat as, over the past twenty years, I've made some life style changes that  reflect decent nutrition and increased activity. I realized I don't have to be a perfect eater, which is rather boring, but rather to watch what I eat 'most of the time' day in and day out and to be aware of portion size.

Back in '89, with too long a story for these pages, I took advantage of a temporary job opportunity and moved myself from Portland to beautiful San Diego. I  found myself living with my cousin Barbara who was definitely a calorie counter. Over the span of six months, I went from a pudgy out-of-shape 194lbs to a lean cycling machine of 159!  It was shortly there after that I saw and built my first recumbent and the rest is history. This morning, after last nights tough workout, I weighed 161# and am probably as strong on the bike, at least on the trainer, as I've been in many a year.

So calories? I use this measurement simply as an indicator of my overall workload per session. Nothing more. Along those lines, I'm a strong believer that every training session should have a purpose. That it's really not worth my time and energy to get on the trainer for anything less than a 750 calorie burn unless it's for recovery or to get the kinks out of the legs. I try to stick to that.

Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 1127
Distance: 23.85 miles
HR at end: 140-100-75...over three minutes
Estimated average watts for 1000 calories: 265W

I changed my focus tonight from speed work to strictly workload though I did manage to mix up
my rpms throughout this hour which was the original goal. After resetting my display and turning the fan up to max, I started my challenge to reach 1000 calories within exactly one hour a goal I had
never achieved.  I knew it was going to be uncomfortable, ok...hurt...but also knew riding with select
body systems stressed would be good stuff. Being able to ride with my legs under high tension for the hour was something I needed to prove to myself I could do. I also knew dealing with all this generated heat could drag down my performance tonight.
For the most part, my HR hovered around 140 and only went up to 150 around 50:00 into the ride at wattages of 280 or more. My breathing was controlled throughout and I stayed away from going anaerobic.
Time and Calories:
20:00.      382
30:00.      574
52:56.     1000!
At this time, I soft pedaled for 30s and recorded my data on paper.
My HR was 150.
I then proceeded to close down the hour run.
1:00:00.  1127 Calories for the hour...a PB!
Note:It would appear I was consistent in maintaining the same workload throughout the hour
with only slight variations.

Cool down:
15 min. at 155W
Calories: 169

Total Workload(calories).:1472
This morning, resting pulse after my morning jo
and sitting in my LazyBoy was 46. Seems like I'm none the
worse for wear.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20th...Thursday...Intervals

20 min @ 190 watts avg.
HR 110-115

5min @ 220 watts
HR 120

5min @ 275 watts
HR 140

5min @175 watts

5X2 ...2min on/one min off
(HR not recorded until last rep)

300 watts...2min
325 watts...2min
350 watts...2min
450-460 watts...1min. (HR highest HR on trainer that I can remember)
225 watts...1min

160 watts for 8 min as had to cut it short for dental appointment

Distance 19.1 miles
Time: 54:00:00
Calories: 806

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19th...Wednesday

Easy 30 minute recovery day at the gym on their recumbent trainer.
90W w/90 HR!
Super easy workout though heart-rate was high for effort.
Don't under-estimate the benefit of cooling;)
Gym has very poor air circulation and I was wearing long sleeves and long pants and sweating with no towel.
Had I been at home w/my large fan I would suspect a HR around 75-80 for the effort.

February 18th...Tuesday...Intervals

Note: Yesterday, February 17th, was a rest day off the bike though I snuck in 1/2 hour at a recovery spin: 309 calories

Tuesday: Spent the day in Portland w/"The Captain"... Lonnie Morse...and picked up Keith Kohan on the way North. Lonnie loaned my a rotator front fairing mold as well as another Cobra seat to use for my race. Am anxious for the sling to come off, another week, and to gain some strength in my right arm once again.

20 min. easy warm-up averaging 190-200W almost from the get-go. HR 110
5 min at Tempo...250 watts.  HR 130

5X5 min w/1 min recovery . Intervals varied from 245-285+ Watts
This time, rather than trying to hang on to 300 watts for all five intervals, I though I'd ramp up my watts gradually for variety and see if I had anything left on the last one. HR is taken toward end of each interval and rounded to nearest "10" beats.

1st 5 min. interval: 250W            HR 130
2nd                         275W.                  140
3rd:                         275W.                 140
4th:                         275W.                 140
5th:   2.5 min          340W.                 150        
         2.5 min.         240W.                 140  

I hate to waste a good opportunity;)
205-260 watts for the next 20 min.

Distance: 24.99 miles
Time: 1:10:00
Calories: 1179

*At this point, with proper warm-up, I feel I could pull 350W for five minutes. My goal is 400+W and will train to achieve that within, hopefully, the next 30 days.

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 16th...Sunday

Today's training(Sunday) was to consist of 20m easy/20m tempo/20m easy.
However, as noted earlier, I skipped yesterday's workout(Saturday) for a number of reasons and added it to today's training which made for a long workout...2:20:00 to be exact.
Of other note, my body weight this morning(Sunday)upon wakening was 166.5lbs.
After this workout, and after a shower, I managed to top the scale at an even 160lbs which was almost all water weight. I will definitely hydrate more the next workout especially since I had blood in my urine(pink).'s the link to the Youtube clip that carried me most of the way through my workout. I like this series:

The stats: Round one...
Time to 1000 calories: 1:00:30
Total time: 1:03:30
Distance: 23.8 miles

My 15m easy warm-up found me almost immediately at the upper range of 'easy' at 200watts.
After the 15 min, I jumped up to my 'tempo' pace...205-245watts for the next 45m alternating in the 60-100 rpm range every 2minutes. Jim wanted me to vary pace between 60-120 rpm but there's no way I can get my body to cooperate on the trainer w/175mm cranks and one arm. So...60-100 was the best I could do and even 100 rpm was a stretch. As it turned out, I spent a fair amount of time over 245 watts for two minute pulls and frequently found myself in the 290-305 watt area usually in a 52/11 at 65rpm. I'd then shift down and spin in the 90 rpm range after two minutes usually around
220-240 watts.

Stats: Round two...
Distance: 25.5 miles
Time: 1:18:00
Calories: 1002

As it turned out, I burned an indicated 1000 calories in 1:00:30 which is a personal best.
After this series of intervals, I took a two minute break to hit the restroom, grab a couple chocolates, and re-adjust the floor fan to a lower setting in anticipation for the next 1:15:00 minutes I'll be on the trainer. That 1:15:00 is made up of  yesterday's missed 15min and today's 60 min of easy/tempo/easy of 20 min. each. As usual, I try to pedal toward the upper range of each power level.

It was the last 15m on 'easy' that I found my 'Sweet Spot' at 180W, 72 rpm, and a HR of 120. 'Heart rate drift' had set in as my initial readings at that power level are in the 105 bpm range. My morning
heart-rate after getting up and making coffee was at 47. About 15 years ago, when I was doing a lot of ultra riding, my resting HR was in the low 40's.  I don't feel any worse for wear and think my body is adjusting to the work load. Today is a rest day. I'll take that ;)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15th...Saturday

I'm still reeling from a fair amount of back pain so, in the interest of getting in a solid workout tonight, I'm post-poning it 12-18 hours until early tomorrow afternoon, Sunday.
Monday is a rest day and so think all will work out fine this one time.

Note of Gratitude:
 I've been getting some very encouraging email support from some of the best hpv racers on the continent, Randy and Thom to name a few. Racers who know and thoroughly understand the dynamics of going long and going fast. They're really informative and loaded with great ideas to help me pull this race off  prepared with the right equipment. And with the additional friends below, they know just about every trick in the book to maximize speed and efficiency over the 4,200 miles. As I said, all are wise with their input on both racing platforms...the Carbent and the Gold Rush. My good friends Robert Johnson of Terra Cycle fame not to mention RAO and RAMM, as well as Mr. Easy Racer's  himself, Lonnie "TheCaptain" Morris, as well as ultra racer Keith Kohan, have all been a major source of race savvy, equipment, etc. It was both Robert and Thom who said the race will be won my some 'mutant' who can get by on three hours of sleep a night. Speed is nice, but steady non-stop riding is even better. Thanks again, guys.

And then there's coach. You can have the fastest bike in the world but if the body can't deliver day after day after day, then it's 'no tamales'! That's Jim's job and I'm fortunate he's on my team.

February 14th...Friday

I'm taking my sweetheart to a Valentine's dinner at church this evenning. Rumor has it that there'll be tons of dessert to feast on. Since I'm writing this Saturday afternoon, I can verify that rumor. Peanut butter pie it was for this guy! easy 30 min at an average of 150 watts
309 calories
Time: 30 min.
HR: 100-60 in 1 min.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13th...intervals

I've been dreading tonight's interval training since this morning because I was feeling lazy and my back was still bothering me.
Oh well...get over it John! You want to race strong? Then suck it up.

Stats: 20 min. easy 190W at 110 HR
           5min. tempo    230-240W at 130 HR
           5 min. threshold  285-290 W at 140 HR
           5min. easy 175-190W
           3X2min at Vo2max w/1 min. off
               1st 325W+ at 150HR
               2nd 325W+ at 150
               3rd 325W at 150
          20 min Easy 175-235W

          HR 130-80 in 90 secs
Total time: 66 min.
Calories:  1009
Once again, intervals were painful but do the most good in the least amount of time.
The second hand moves very slowly during the last minute of each interval

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12th

Recovery day from getting my butt whipped with yesterday's workout.
Note: My HR monitor w/new a new battery lasted exactly one workout.
Screen was blank this morning w/no hope of resurrecting it. Just as well
as HR belt gives me a rash in no time. It's back to counting pulse in 6 seconds
and adding a zero.

30 minutes
309 calories
140-150W avg
100-60 HR in 1min.

NOTE: About an hour prior to my above ride, I somehow managed to pull a lower back muscle or whatever when I took a light load of clothes out of the washer and fed them to the dryer. You know...that "twist w/a pull thing". It hurt but didn't think that much about until I tried to raise myself up and off the bike. Wasn't sure I was going to make it. By early evening the pain had intensified and needed help getting out of my chair, etc. Btw, I've discovered my wife is truly an angel on loan to me from God. What a blessing she is!
Three hydrocoden and two oxycodone later(Carol controls those for me), I'm still reeling from the pain and feel like I'm 90 years old. Just hope it goes away soon on it's own. Thursday night's training might need to be modified or passed altogether. Hope not but will see.

February 11th..intervals

Bought a new battery for HR monitor which is now working
Also attached new 'Rifle' seat cushion to bike. Readjusted X-seam due to foam thickness but not sure it's perfect yet. Still training in sandals and am probably giving up some power in the process especially at higher wattages.

1. 20m easy ramping up from 150 to 205 watts by end

2. 4X5m intervals: 5m on/1m off: Wattage and HR listed

    1st...300W w/final HR of 148. Could not exceed 70ish rpm w/selected gear,
                     Shifting down to next lower gear for 300W seemed too low.
    2nd...240W w/final HR 138. Used one gear lower to active recover and raise rpm to 80-85
    3rd... 255-265W w/final HR 140 w/ rpm closer to 85-90
    4th... 260-270W w/final HR 142w/rpm near 90

HR dropped from 142-86 in two min.

3. 20 min. at easy/recovery pace of 170-205W
HR 118-86-72 in two min.

What I learned: start w/lower wattage on first interval and ramp up
Select/know which gear in advance to use to generate 90rpm at 245+W

Total time: 73 min
Ride time:  65 min
Calories: 944
Distance: 22.74 miles

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10th

Rest day. Whew!

On second thought...
Because I've been sitting on my butt  these past five days due to a foot of snow, I decided to just sit on the trainer and gently pedal for  a few minutes to loosen up the legs. I rode a real easy "recovery" wattage in the 125-130 watt range.
Three hours later...seriously...I decided to call it quits. Here's the stats for my "rest day". Don't tell Jim.
Time: 3:11:00
Distance: 50.25 miles
Wattage: 125-130 watts
Calories: 1559
Average HR: 88
HR after 1min: 60

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th

Easy: 20 min: 175-210 watts         HR 110
Tempo: 20 min: 245-255 watts.     HR  140
Easy: 20 min: 200-210 watts          HR 120 w/70 after 2min rest
Total time: 60 min
Calories 930

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8th

Today's  emphasis was on speed work alternating every two minutes between 80 & 120 rpm once the 15 min warm-up((180w) was achieved.
120rpm was impossible to achieve tonight w/best rpm being 110. This work-out was definitely out of my comfort zone as my body currently prefers 65-75 rpm. Shorter cranks than my 175mm would help. Perhaps a pair of 165mm's would be ideal for my race and easier on my body.
Total time: 60 min
Calories: 835
After 15m cool down(actually 205 w), HR dropped down from 120-70 within 3m

* I did determine several reasons why higher rpm(approx.120) was impossible to achieve tonight.
1. Fork stand support(resting on the plywood) had the 20# weight roll off which allowed some free play w/stand support and unwanted movement of the stand.
2. X-seam was off 1.5 inches w/resulted in too much reach/free-play body movement.
3. Rode at most w/ one hand on handlebars w/most of the time no hands. Had to wear the sling the whole work-out. Have had some issues with right hand numbness while training.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7th

By now, you've resigned yourself that my blog is basically a place to park my training data. And you're be right. However, I'll be posting some very cool info before too long that will connect the dots with our friends and families in Rwanda with the TransAm bike race.

Easy recovery: 30 m
309 calories
100-60 HR in 1 min

BTW...Here's a link to a great blog I've been following the past month.
Edward Pickup...another Trans Am racer...has a most interesting blog full of racing tidbits and useful tips. He resides in the UK.

February 6th...Thursday training

Sorry for the late posting.

Today's training was invigorating
Here's some stats:

20 m easy...180w
5 m tempo...235w
5 m threshold...275w
5 m easy...165w
4X1m VO max w/1m on & 1 m off
Last interval was tough. Real tough
An easy 20 m cool down at 180w
HR: 110 to 70 two min
after workout completed
Total time: 63 min
Calories burned: 934

Power readings..."W"...are leveled out averages

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 5

I'm very excited to be signed on officially...don't forget to send me the bill, Jim...with "JV" Jim Verheul as my coach. Yesterday, Jim sent my six week training schedule which should get me to the point where I've transitioned from the indoor trainer to being on the road. I'm pleased with the way he's set up my workouts and noted that it parallels and compliments training sequences I'm familiar with.

The training is all about POWER and power zones. Not heart-rate. I find training for power far more interesting than training by heart-rate.
I might of mentioned in an earlier posting that twelve years ago I rode a 2900 mile TransAm in 23 riding days. The bike/gear rolled out at 95lbs. Way too heavy to make good progress. I used a heart-rate monitor on that trip. For about two days. I learned early on in that ride that perceived exertion supersedes HR at least on endurance events for me.

Wednesdays Ride: A change of plans from Tabata Intervals to a recovery ride per new schedule.
30 min@recovery zone (140w avg.)
HR dropped from 100-60 in
290 calories

 For coaching services, I highly recommend JV or his brother John.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4th

Took today off training. Will get after it tomorrow evening w/Tabata intervals.

Am excited to announce that JV ...Jim Verheul...has taken me on as a new client and will be coaching me up and thru the race.
 Welcome aboard, Jim!

Be sure to check out

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd Monday

No issues with body today other than I'm starting to drop weight due to extra calorie burn and not much of an appetite. Usually manage to get a protein milkshake prior to bedtime for my body to put to good use overnight.
Warmup: 15minutes@150+watts
150 calories

29:45 at estimated avg. of  250+ watts
500 calories burned
11.2 miles
HR toward end 150 bpm
HR after one min. 110ish
HR after two min.  70ish

Cool down:
50:00 min
650 calories
wattage 165-225
miles ?
HR at end 130 bpm
one min:    110
four min:     70 ish

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2nd

Now that all of my basic blog and race information information has been posted, I can get down to just posting some training stats with a comment or two.

Distance: 28.74 miles
Time: 1:30:00
Calories: 1074
Estimated avg watts: 170-180
Heart-rate observation:
With 'hand on wrist' calculation, came up with 100-105 bpm at 165 watts after 1.5 hours of pedaling
Recovery heartrate: back to 70bpm within 60 seconds of stopping

Training goal: To loosen up the legs and start acclimating them to the  new seat position. Warmed up in the 150 watt range and didn't stray too far from it. Worked most of the time between 165-190 watts. Worked on a little higher cadence and smoothing out my pedal stroke.
Observation: Seat cushion in its present form unacceptable. Will order a new Ventisits or ? tomorrow with some research. Also, thinking a lot on easy access to food/drink on bent during the race. The GR is certainly easier to work from in that regard.

February 1st Training

February 1
Today was the first day to ride my new Carbent on the trainer. Having used this same trainer for over twenty years allows me to set up different recumbents in a consistent and accurate way. With the Carbent mounted up on the trainer, I adjusted the boom(pedal distance), head rest, and handlebars to a dialed in position. I noticed the seat seems awfully small and a little stiff. OK...really stiff. I'll have to order a ventisits seat cushion for it tomorrow.
Not long after getting into my warm-up period, I noticed a nagging pain in my upper left shoulder blade. My thinking was this could be a problem...a real problem on any length of ride even on the trainer. A little brainstorming session later, I figured out it was the sling buckle jabbing into my back. Off came the sling..

Here's some basic stats: I realize I'm a bit wordy in today's posting and I assure you this won't be the norm.
Ride video was a "Mallorca" climbing video off  Youtube. I like these videos!
Cooling? I ran our large house fan at high speed today.

*1000 calories at an adjusted 1:02:00
Much of my time was spent at 250+ watts.
My perceived exertion was much less than had I experienced on my lwb bike. Much less!
I double checked that the trainer was adjusted correctly for the 23mm CB tire. It was. Made sure the trainer was engaged. Check. Essentially, the CB feels 15-20% more efficient as illustrated below:

Based on perceived exertion:
160 old watts became 200 new watts.
200 old watts became 235-240,new watts
220 watts became 265-270 new watts
Important note: "old watts" refers to wattage w/Tomahawk lwb mounted up on the trainer.

Perceived exertion is dramatically reduced with CB.
*In all the years of training,  I can' recall coming this close to burning 1000  calories
in an hour. It didn't dawn on me until 49 minutes into my ride that I would be somewhat close
to 1000/hour. The first 10 minutes or so were at an easy warm-up pace to boot.

Interesting note on heart rate:
Whereas a prior 150 HR would rate 'high' on my suffering scale, the 150HR I was sustaining today didn't feel nearly the case. Recovery? Within four minutes my HR was down in the 70 bpm range and I certainly don't feel 'beat-up' today which is the following morning...Feb. 2nd.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The race and more...

February 1, 2014

Today I officially begin my training for the inaugural TransAmerican Bike Race which begins on June 7th. The route has the riders...108 signed up at this point...heading from Astoria, Oregon, to Yorktown, Virginia a distance of 4200 miles. The race is run non-stop which means riders can ride as much as they can handle round the clock.
The race is to be a "gentleman's agreement". Rules include but are not limited to: 'Zero' outside support from friends, family, or strangers; no drafting; no 'emergency' assistance other than a life-death situation. Running out of food in the middle of nowhere doesn't qualify; race supplies may only be sent to a commercial address such as a post office, bike shop, or motel. Not friends along the course.
Satellite tracking at key checkpoints...I'm not sure how this will work...will be used by most racers.
A number of people have told me that...'I'm too old, it's too dangerous, it sounds like a terrible experience, etc., but to me, I think it sounds like fun! A lot of it! BTW...just don't throw that quote back at me after a few days on the road. That's all I ask. Oh, and for your prayers as well :)

The course follows the Adventure Cycling TransAmerican route and is definitely not the most direct route from coast to coast. There's also that issue of dealing with those bumps on the map we call the Rockies. Climbing anyone? How about 211,000 feet of climbing! And descending:)
For those interested in checking out the website for themselves, you can find it at:

One of the biggest concerns I'm still having is deciding which race bike to take. My newly acquired 22lb. Carbent High Racer or my rugged 36lb. partially streamlined socked Gold Rush long racer.
Both bents have their merits, which I'll get into at another time, but suffice to say that the Carbent(CB) is mounted on my Cateye CycloSimulator trainer and will be used in that mode for theforeseeable  future.

The reason for using an indoor trainer is that I'm in a sling recovering from shoulder surgery. On January 16th, I had my 3rd rotator cuff surgery on my right arm and my fourth overall all in under seven years. Under doctor orders, an indoor trainer is fine but I can't take a chance with road riding until at least February 26th which is when I expect the sling to come off. Anyway, I'm a little over two weeks out from surgery, in a sling and on Vicodin for pain management. The trainer it is.