Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15th...Saturday

I'm still reeling from a fair amount of back pain so, in the interest of getting in a solid workout tonight, I'm post-poning it 12-18 hours until early tomorrow afternoon, Sunday.
Monday is a rest day and so think all will work out fine this one time.

Note of Gratitude:
 I've been getting some very encouraging email support from some of the best hpv racers on the continent, Randy and Thom to name a few. Racers who know and thoroughly understand the dynamics of going long and going fast. They're really informative and loaded with great ideas to help me pull this race off  prepared with the right equipment. And with the additional friends below, they know just about every trick in the book to maximize speed and efficiency over the 4,200 miles. As I said, all are wise with their input on both racing platforms...the Carbent and the Gold Rush. My good friends Robert Johnson of Terra Cycle fame not to mention RAO and RAMM, as well as Mr. Easy Racer's  himself, Lonnie "TheCaptain" Morris, as well as ultra racer Keith Kohan, have all been a major source of race savvy, equipment, etc. It was both Robert and Thom who said the race will be won my some 'mutant' who can get by on three hours of sleep a night. Speed is nice, but steady non-stop riding is even better. Thanks again, guys.

And then there's coach. You can have the fastest bike in the world but if the body can't deliver day after day after day, then it's 'no tamales'! That's Jim's job and I'm fortunate he's on my team.

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